New in! ✽ smokey glam couture - christmas collection '24 ✽ NEE MAKE UP MILANO shop online ✽
NEE Holiday make up is inspired by the colors and natural beauty of the island of VULCANO. The Nee 2024 “SMOKEY GLAM” Christmas collection interprets a bright, trendy and at the same time intense and elegant style. Light and shadow meet giving super sparkling and surprising flashes with sparkling and glam touches. A game of sun, sand, sea, and earth that contrast with each other but at the same time give unique colored harmonies.
The absolute star is Rose Gold.
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With a natural and light texture, it is the ideal foundation for a perfect complexion. Hides imperfections, ensuring a flawless and uniform appearance. Its formula is extremely comfortable and hydrating, leaving the skin velvety and soft to the touch. Now, you can choose from 10 shades and find the perfect shade for your unique beauty.
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01 PORCELAIN: incarnato chiaro - tono freddo
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04 SUN: incarnato scuro - tono caldo
42 GOLDEN BEIGE: incarnato da medio a medio scuro intenso
43 BRONZE GOLD: incarnato da medio scuro a inteso scuro ambrato
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